Sunday, July 4

Late Night = Bad Tomorrow

It is now officially 2 in the morning on the 4th of July.  

Seriously, What am I thinking?  Why did I stay up this late again?  My girls will be up and raring to go at 6:30, 7:30 if I'm lucky.  Sunday is Mr. C's only day to sleep in, so I will the be the one getting up to get breakfast for Tee and Moo.  I'll set their bowls down in front of the TV in the living room and crash onto the couch while they watch Dora or Calliou OnDemand!

We will be skipping church tomorrow again (2nd week in a row.)  It's mainly because of me not sleeping.  It's partially because of the fact that today is a Holiday.  And it's minutely because of the fact that we'll be driving 45 minutes to visit my parents after lunch.  If it was any one of those excuses reasons alone, we'd probably still go.  But regardless, we will not be going.  And I will feel guilty.

Later today, probably while visiting my parents, my body will ache for a nap.  It will cry out with numerous yawns and watery eyes that it needs rest.  And I will want to give in.  But I will fight it.  Because if I give in, I'll feel guilty for 1. Not spending more time with my family, 2. Feeling like I'm burdening my family with the care of my children while I sleep, 3. Knowing my husband hates when I take naps at my parents house cause I do it every visit, and 4. I usually feel worse after naps anyways.  As far as that last one goes... maybe there's something wrong with me.  Maybe I need to learn how to nap better.

If I do nap, then yet again I will end up staying up late tonight.  It's a vicious cycle and one that's very hard for me to break.

Staying up late always leads me to a bad tomorrow.  Tee and Moo usually punish me for late nights by creating surprises for me while I crash on the couch during TV time.  I have found all sorts of things, from face paint on the walls, to an entire bottle of comet (the dry powder kind) poured out on my kitchen floor.  One small blessing about this particular instance is that Mr. C will be home to help some.  

I just really don't understand why I always do this to myself when I know I'll have a hard time the next day.  Is the quiet really worth it?  Does this alone time really help me at all?  

I think I need a change to this awful habit.  I think I need to go to bed EARLIER, and wake up EARLIER.  Get my quiet time in BEFORE the girls are up, not after they're down.  This is much easier said than done.  But I think I'll give it a try.  Not today though, of course.  Today, I'm praying the girls will sleep in a bit so I can also.  Then I'll resist the urge to nap with all my might, and try to get to bed early.  Then Monday morning will be my first early bird morning.  

Wonder what kinds of worms I'll find.

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