Monday, May 3

Paper Back Swap

I've talked about this website before on the family blog, but I've really found it useful lately and figured I'd mention it again.

This website is pretty awesome. You post the books you no longer need or read or use. People will request them. You ship the book to them using media mail (not very expensive.) You earn points for every book you ship. You "buy" books with your points. It's generally one point per book. Books on CD are 2 points.

They have EVERY kind of book you could think of. I even put some OLD college text books on there and they were requested within a couple days. I didn't think anyone would want them. You can't even get a few bucks back from selling them. But they were picked right up, and now I can get a book I want - for me, or chris, or the girls.

It's crazy easy and I love it. :) Just spreading the word. You should check it out!

We also love! Same principle, but with MOVIES!

1 comment:

Carrie Page said...

That is pretty awesome!